So You Don't Fit in My Suitcase
Bend just a bit more and take a deep breath.
Good, good now hold that, I am gonna zip . . . Wait, what? I didn't quiet hear you.
You want an air hole? Air holes are overrated, just hold your breath.
It seems packing all of you into one suitcase isn't going to quiet work, especially if you have ridiculous requests such as air holes, what's next food and water for the flight over to Pohnpei? So to save you money on contortionist lessons, and to leave me room to pack some clothes, I thought I would include you in my journey through a blog. You won't need to pack much for the journey, go ahead put your toothbrush back in the bathroom and your underwear back in your dresser drawer. For this journey, you will simply need:
- A bit of time for reading blogs, a few prayers, and maybe even dropping me a line.
- A couple of cups of coffee for potential late night reading.
- A sense of humor; what's life without laughter?
- And most importantly, YOU, pack your all the amazing and the not so amazing aspects of who you are for this adventure. Leave your masks at home, or just toss them out they really aren't that good anyway; I want the true you along for the journey.
While we move through this adventure together I ask for a good deal of patience as the frequency of my blogs is dependent upon many factors, including factors I don't even know are factors yet. If you are interested in learning more about the Jesuit Volunteer Corp, check out
Also as a part of my commitment to JVI I am responsible for fund raising $3,000 before July 20, 2008. If you are interested and able to support my journey financially you can make donations
Are you up for the adventure?
PS: Feel free to take a peak at my archived blogs, posted there are some of my adventures studying abroad the summer of '07. For those of you that tried to follow along last summer, you may remember I didn't get very far in my blogging, but I going to strive to be better this time around . . . remember patience is on the packing list :)
12:16 PM | | 9 Comments